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I think its salmon -> tilapia

but yes

salmon #1


salmon is okay I guess? It’s really weird tasting I’d rather eat something else

debatable as “fish”

let’s go for “sea creature”


Calamari rings, please yes.
You are actually making me hungry now.


personal favorite - canned sardines

salmon is boring after having it like

once a week
for your entire life

its marina sauce and meatballs put on bread of your choosing
i also get melted cheese on mine

fucking godly

I’m allergic to fish.

Let’s eat this thing thay says “salmon” and looks like salmon.

Probably doesn’t contain fish.

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There is just an overall fish taste that I do not like

I mean i’m a fish fan

I have bing-ate fish sticks more times then I would like to admit

If I am served fish and it is cooked… i’ll probably like it no matter how it’s done

I also like shrimp/lobster/crabs/oysters

im a seafood dood


this is the only acceptable answer to “why don’t you like fish” tbh


im weird

i eat a lot of fish

but ive never been a fan of fish sticks

I bet you always cook it the same way like a scrub.
There are myriads of different, glorious salmon recipes. Soups, grilled, fried, salted, used as sandwich toppings.
Man I’d kill for some teriyaki salmon right now.


load fucking forum

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Okay your opinions literally couldn’t get better now.
Fish sticks are disgusting.

That was just an example btw, I love fish.


i eat spaghetti with clams