Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Is no mac n cheese because its overrated and disgusting, cheap food.
This is where I’m going to die, but I rest my case.

i don’t know why theyre so good

theres something about them

mac n cheese isn’t a favorite of mine but i could eat a box of spongebob mac n cheese every day

remind me to never talk to you ever again

oysters > every fucking food

ok so



is the best fucking mac and cheese actually

Unironically do it. I could share my favorite recipes with you, in exchange.


Waduhek is that?



Is In N’ Out Overrated, Underrated, or just Rated?

Query: Are you 5 years old.

wait no not the 2% milk ones


are the shit


have you eaten the spongebob mac and cheese

you can’t judge until you’ve eaten it

sorry that i have good taste

spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti

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spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti

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just rated
it’s greasy but it’s good

animal fries are godly


No because I’m not living in poverty to eat mac and cheese to begin with.
And I have no reason to subject myself to that otherwise.

I’ve never seen anything like that

ok mac and cheese is good screw you ):<

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In N’ Out is pretty boring ngl

Unless you get something from the “secret” menu - Animal style fries are fucking amazing

a monkey style burger is amazing too - but its obesity in a meal

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