Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

20002 > 24680

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Now its value town

but 20002 is a smaller number, how can it be greater than? :^)

Math is for nerds

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point of knowing when games will start is so that people can make educated decision about pre-in


people might not know how busy they will be then

That’s why you might not pre-in and instead join when it’s a bit more certain

This reminds me the people who camp outside stores in order to be first in line

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yeah, but it does seem to give a disadvantage to people doesn’t?

and pre specs are people who camp outside to watch the people camping outside those stores to be first in line


24816 > 24680

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I don’t know what you mean

no they are watching the people fighting inside the store over great deals on Black Friday

or something like that

Running of the bulls but its with Black Friday shoppers

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powers of 2 rather than multiples

You know how plane tickets are cheaper if you book in advance then when you book right away?

Damn I wanna do this now

get in line for black friday, not because you want deals, but because you just want to fight with people for items



Are you coming at the angle that there’s no reason not to pre-in