Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Imgur is a friend

I use it for piper pics 24/7

:eyes: I could consider doing one but I look like I haven’t slept for days which is almost accurate

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send it over Discord and then copypaste the link to the image upload onto the forums

…admittedly this is probably easier when you have a Discord alt :eyes:

or a discord server composed entirely of yourself

(i have like 5 of these to be fair)

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i have a disc server for this purpose



Everyone here wants to help get vul’s face on our screens


Ici’s too :^)

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i was born for this moment

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Isn’t that a bit dangerous though?

fuck no you guys are never seeing my face

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I bet you’re hella cute

Very relatable actually, the only person who has ever seen my face in all 15 years I’ve been on the internet is Arete

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Everyone is hella cute ugh

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and he’s cute :eyes:

ill trade pics

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The beauty is too much that it will melt the ice caps from both poles

Don’t do this to me

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so nobody has seen your face in 15 years?

that’s kind of part of the problem
i’m cursed with being cute

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