Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

WoW begs to differ.

wow isn’t a game more than it is a plague

Says the scrublord who wasted his life away in Runescape.


runescape on my 2nd monitor while i do other, more important things

vs “i don’t have two monitors and play wow all the time”

you’re just mad you have no 99s

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I have everything I need capped out and there are actual things to do in WoW other than spamming your skills :^)

yeah and while you were capping out your shit, i was playing runescape while playing ToL

i got plat in siege while grinding 99 fishing :sunglasses:

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You just admitted that Runescape is a glorified Cookie Clicker that you run in the background.



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Also I still have more hours in ToL than you do





cookie clicker has no content

runescape has many content

also i stopped playing runescape like a year ago so i don’t care if you shittalk it


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Also joke’s on you, I’m already debating on messaging him on discord.

So they already outplayed you?

im ready to ship it

You ship anything that moves.


I totally misparsed the quoted sentence and thought it was about, like, 1.5 different people

I’m dumb


not really

only if a specific condition applies