Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

hey, I’m Jarne!

if my science doesn’t cover all important information,
I can’t effectively communicate my point

ergo leaving us with ‘statement’ and no evidence to back up that claim

fucking kill me


Clearly trollbox
Everyone knows Scorneds will open claim like in ToL smh

Did someone just say the definition of Scottish

why are people like this


At least people don’t let Scorned claims live in FoL.
Because in ToL, for some reason BD refuses to execute them when they out.

I would openclaim as Scorned
Then again I thought I’d get away with claiming 3 BD Targets as Inquisitor

You clearly haven’t seen the Sellsword who outs and tries to get kinged just to side BD :eyes:


What about when Neutral Killer got kinged as Neutral King
That was great

NK would just openclaim to be kinged

And now scorned, inquisitor, and occasionally sellsword + fool do this


Hey, I’ve unironically done that, but to be fair I was sure that scum would lose anyway.
We still won.

You used to be able to confirm yourself as Scorned/Fool with trollbox as well.
I don’t know if that’s still a thing.

I mean
I’m talking about a time where a sellsword open claimed at like midgame to get kinged

I remember the time when I caused such ridiculous chaos that I eventually got crowned king as openwolfing ss even after like 3 mislynches

fun times

Please tell me he got chopped.

You still can
Usually scorneds do it because lmao imagine not being lazy

He won
But the Unseen also won