Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Unless you want to harm NK/Mastermind which is uh
Not something you should or want to do as a Neutral Evil

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That’s what I was implying but I guess I worded it weirdly.

Also wait, were you talking about FoL this whole time while I have been talking about ToL.

You also had outed fake logs for like three days and didn’t die.

note the ‘cannot be healed tonight’ part of the card
it can also help killing nks…if you for some reason want that

“Target player cannot be protected tonight”

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Can we change


Mark (Night) - Guarantee a player’s death if they were intended to be attacked tonight. - 2 uses

I no longer remember which game that was.
All I remember is having to suffer as CW.

Note: Only for King version

You were converted and then immediately stabbed me


Depending on how powerful you want it you could have this as well

It’d prevent occupies on the attacker

Oh, the game where final 4 were Noble King and 3 healers.
Yeah, I remember that lovely game. I literally outed a fake aid to mislynch someone. Not much I could’ve done there.

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I think it’d be a good idea to use on players whom the Spiteful King reads as BD but are likely to be killed by BD.

you were also CW the next time with a Not Great court

to be fair the second CW game was partially on me, I had the gamesolve D2 but talked myself out of it because 16 had found 3 NS and forgot to re-evaluate when 16 turned out to be Fool

I’m still standing by my words that playing with anyone but randoms is a mistake, and it’s a mistake which I’m not going to repeat again.

I mean

I like playing with you

if you only play with randoms then my court isn’t going to have anyone competent

also sorry about pocketing you in the last game

You didn’t ‘pocket’ me. It was obvious that there was a chance you were converted, I had to play the game under assumption you weren’t.

Also you should really close the forums and work on your assignments.

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that’s what they deserve for debbing me n1 >:(

pretend i replied to the right message

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no wait

I misremembered the order of games

yours went CW -> Assassin -> CW