Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Write /toaster bath in your class card.

I imagine there should be a suicide option in FoL. It is available in ToL so that CL and Assassin can avoid being chain jailed/occupied so why not here in FoL?

So, technically

You can actually be S e l f - r e s o l v i n g as Wolf?

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i’m fucking livid
go ahead, mislynch me and lose the game
/vote Vulgard

you love mislynching
end my suffering

all roles are self-resolving if they get lynched

Okay, in my next scum FoL game I swear I’ll find a use for strategic suicide.

Not Vulgard! He had so much to live for! :frowning:

Well, true.

Elect obvious gk
Poison said gk

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attack a bearing hunter :sunglasses:

Prince King Prince King

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I mean, it’s a way to confirm both the Butler and the BD that became King.

I don’t see any downsides?

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Blaze it btw

Possessor strings the Prince into a hunter bear.


i was tempted to write this in short fuse after alice got detonated

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Possessor misinterprets their ability and thinks they found scum and fakes a redcheck.

Possessor: I’m observer and #Prince’s number visited the Hunter the night he died.

i’ve never paid attention to lore in any of blizzard’s games really because typically i can’t be bothered (too little time / investment)
but there has been some strange stuff indeed

The cookie is in sight. Eat it?