Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I think we should just remove vigs from our setups.

the theories are somehow way worse than anything blizzard has done

10 more posts for a cookie.



Tbh i forgot cookie existed

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yolo cookie snipe

i probably won’t get the cookie because the forums refuse to update, but ayaya :cookie:

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come on


A :cookie:, if you please.


arete abusing mod powers to get cookies :newspaper_roll:


Katto got it?

Here comes the cookie. Yummy cookie coming my way I hope.


this is actually #20001

when I got 20000 I thought there was no chance of me getting 20001

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you have mod powers which let you post with less delay


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Awww sad face. I’m going hungry tonight :frowning: .

oh right

I forgot that was a thing

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