Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Bold of you to assume I’m in that discord.
Give me invite link.

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You can join it off of Ami’s profile

Alright, give me a moment.

Actually nvm I’ll just create a server.
People can check my stream that are in the actual game.

Here it is for your luxury

when ans specs should we start with 3

Already in there, you nerd.
Also wait, you are streaming through the app, are you not? Streaming through discord isn’t a thing in the browser version.

But the fake Marshal isn’t here yet :frowning:

Unless it’s Kyo? Doubt that tbh.

Guess this is where I’m finally forced to download the app.

if you host a no spectators game will ans join :eyes:

Highly unlikely

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: My reply is no

Good bot, smart bot.

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

have you just been using browser disc

Also, Italy, join nerd.

Yeah I’m doing it through the app

i’m here now

The whole time.

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ici joint fake artist