Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

ok imma start

I haven’t played with you in so long :-;

Wait, do we all draw one line for the same thing and combine it?

no you can draw anything anywhere

@jane draw your line nerd

Wait I want to play snfnfndsmd

oh well we started sry

next round™

neither of you drew the right thing what the fuck

so jane might be the fake artist?

if you give it away the person can guess it

so im tryna hint it


Even though I know what the theme is I have no idea what Marshal drew.

I think I get what they were going for

i don’t get it at all, and i got your thing

I drew part of it so the fake artist can’t guess it, Ici.

jane is fine

@Italy go

This is for spectators, do not join it unless you want to spectate. I’ve locked all of the channels anyway so nobody can peer in unless I give you the spectator role :eyes:

Wait Whats Going on

Fake artist.

@Italy REEEEeeEEE!!!EE!E!E!E!E!E!E!E!!!