Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Italy you madman.

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i said what we were all thinking

It’s not italy, it’s not italy

look at my first drawing dumbass

marshal isn’t the faker lol


its italy

it’s obvious what he drew and how that is exactly the prompt

it’s definitely ici

can’t be marshal

nah ici’s explination checks

we are masons

my drawing is terrible, i’ll grant, but if you squint at it and if you’re not a FAKER you’ll get it


i get icis

I know because I tried to draw something to support that drawing

ok so ici is locktown 100%

violent squinting


I… I like kyo’s first one

ici is always not faker, just draw nothing here

i see now

I see not.

Ici your artistic skills are… commendable.