Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Was it you Marshal

The game is over. Can we have someone reveal who it was?

Seriously, voting not working in game is really annoying.

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lets try this one


on other topic

I’m GA, my target is soolit :wink:

This is my favorite Noot.

Its going to be 98 F in three days

I think i might melt
Its BARELY May and its almost hitting the hundreds

This summer is going to suck major ass

36.7 C for nerds

I wish its been 50s up here. I just wanna swim



(Although we had to write a temperature converter program a week ago so it’s not like I wouldn’t know.)

Dude i would trade with you in a heartbeat

We even have a pool
I just hate this heat

I like the heat

and do not like staying on-task and doing hw

just don’t be hot 4head

I’m sad that I have no pool.

I have a pool

but also


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heat is infinitely more annoying than cold

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because at least with cold you can just wear additional layers
what are you going to do with heat?

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Its sososo much easier to warm up than it is to cool off

And warming up in cold weather is comfy and cozy

Heat is just ass

just snap freeze yourself to cool yourself down 4head

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