Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Not even Alter Ego.

Good try.


But you see.
To those who haven’t played, these words mean nothing. Therefore, it’s not a spoiler :^)

ah yes
just like seesaw

But just for you.

aww you can’t say no to that face, can you? @DatBird

wel you got 3432 5719 3705 261
and 03/20
and all a joke just a random thing of numbers


Join, nerds.

i just played a game of tol for the first time in like
a year
jesus fuck what is this shit ass lazy meta of just go down the list and VFR


is wow worth the subcription

If you are a returning player (from Legion or WoD, at least), then possibly – but I wouldn’t recommend it.
If you are resubbing after playing a decent chunk of BfA, most likely.
If you are thinking about picking it up now and have little/no previous experience, nope. Wait until Shadowlands, it should be released this year. Otherwise you are just overpaying and unless you have a guild, doing any kind of meaningful endgame content will be a pain.

I played BfA FM game, does that count?

i want to get into it
but like
i have no friends
and im i have no social skills

Join my serverrr!

I’d say that it’s too late to get into WoW in general since a lot of things changed for the worst.
But definitely wait until Shadowlands, imo. Remember that trial gameplay isn’t representative of actual gameplay.
And remember that expansions/subscription isn’t that cheap.

if you cop the sub for me id be willing lol

After I’m making millons and can also afford chloe’s :eyes:

Tokens are dirt cheap right now tbf.

They are worth more than my entire balance
but ok