Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I can’t believe it shows your entire address
Thank god I searched up Edinburgh weather

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black ice in london is the bane of my existence

imagine being in a parade and falling on your ass 50 times



I raise you to “Hailing during the first day of school in mid-August”

I :heart: cali

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texas weather

“oh it’s summer vacation I think i’ll go outside and do something”

“it is 105 degrees and sunny as shit, i’ll go outside when it cools down, i’ll just play video games for the until then”

“Oh looks like school has started”

why the fuck is “love hotel” an emoji

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florida weather

“oh its fucking 90 outside”

that’s what they said about removing pretender


It’s never not raining in Scotland

florida prolly sucks cuz humidity

Last one was thing I thought worked best
But we still hit the problem where “every role needs to have multiple options” and I’m starting to hate that part of design

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The snowing isnt even that bad here

It gets nice in the summer

Pretty cold in the winter



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So inevitably something is going to break

i wonder if its always sunny in Philadelphia

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they’ve made some progress in that regard


humidity sucks but im so used to it that i forgot what low humidity was like

god I hate wind

it feels like your skin peeling off every few seconds

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they removed an IC ability and made one class less of an investigative god

but there’s still so much left to go

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imagine having chapped lips every day