Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

@KyoDaz just search up “weird state laws us”

you’d find some funny ones

another I know is “sending a kid with an onion-smelling breath is punishable by fines” - Pennsylvania state law

What the hell

Just america things

Idk if underage people can sell feet pics

I’d assume so

but I haven’t gone specifically searching for underage feet pics so I really don’t know

but if so

that’s a way to make money

god i know jeez

go afk, come back


bro wtf dont drop the damn pizza


I stopped creating the SFoL 61 OP
For this

Do you know how much money you’d make selling feet pictures
That’s like, bank. An investment.

@discobot roll 1d6

i just made an alternate timeline

whatever pays the bills

:game_die: 3

feet :clap: pics :clap:

…I’ve seen enough of the forums today.

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Stay far away from my fucking feet.

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Why you steal feet


ami your flag is concerning

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Oh my jesus christ YIKERS

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I don’t know why you’re surprised
This is cookie thread

Textbook definition of bruh moment.