Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

me neither

property rights and the right to defend said property

Shoot intruders

Shoot targets

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Yes and no
Different states have different issues inherent to them + division of power has been somewhat useful for the most part

Have you people ever heard of insurance for theft

but insurance here is shit lmao


But what if the gun is stolen :eyes:

Because America has gamers
Gamers care about k/d ratio



@CRichard564 idk if you care but heres a cutout of sorc if you dont want to use a screenie of the classcard for your pfp


Ah yes you reminded me of what I needed for SFoL 61 OP chloe

Imagine paying 10000 punds for insurance every month

Except once you actually get robbed
They only pay you 20000

Transpose Jeff bezos onto the staff

I don’t think killing someone to defend your property is a justifiable reason :eyes:

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We need to summon more money

it is

How many hours of sleep did you get.

Then you are a bad gamer

If somebody comes on your property armed and with intent to rob/hurt you then you have every right to shoot them

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it’s trespassing
which is a crime

Me neither
And so do some americans

We havent reaches critical mass yet, sadly