Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

but what if i just want the wingstop fries

Can you get any more adorable than this.

ans please tell me you understand the reference

I do but its also hilarious coming from Wazza.
References aside.


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@Arete this is what I was on about when I said I need your help killing Anstreim

Too bad EK is going to Safeguard me 4 nights in a row.

/Safeguard Ans

Mastermind stepping for King was a weird play, but at least now I can keep my convert safe :^)

is this where i make a joke

i think i shouldnt

but wait I’m EK.

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Also go review my game I want to host it nerrddddd

I am actually Corrupted King

You were my Apostle, wrong game Arete.

You definitely should not.
You can do it in my DMs though.


Also will now guard the Champion

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the review process takes more than a few minutes, Wazza

can confirm

Why are you corrupt
That is very cringe
You are going cancel

You’ve had 5 days.

I am Aristocrat

I bountied soolit

/vote soolit

Obviously that was before the changes.