Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

mods [insert funny word]

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Anyone know all the <modification> things you can do? Like <big> and things.

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just learn html

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for those of you that play animal crossing


idk about y’all but

I’m pretty forgiving of opinions I disagree with, a lot of the time

If your political views are different from mine I see that as a potentially good thing rather than an inherent negative

But if you think quarantine is un-American or refuse to wear a face mask just because, honestly get the fuck outta here


i refuse to wear a mask


ive also left my house exactly 0 times since quarantine has started



sometimes I wear a mask despite not ever going outside just because I feel like it

my uncle keeps saying we should open back up, and im like thats the exact opposite of what we should do atm

texas is being dumb as fuck and opening up fucking SALONS

like multiple fucking people are going to die so that karen can get her fucking hair and nails done


tbh I think the only people that have any real right to hold that opinion are those who are actually hurt by things being closed

not inconvenienced


Losing a source of income or something else that puts your whole life into uncertainty

Not being unable to live with all your modern comforts or being tired of being indoors

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It’s dumb as opening up now isn’t going to solve anything.

Consumer confidence rn is in the shitter because people now still fear the virus and are probably going out sparingly due to it and with the current issue regarding job security, so a fair amount of businesses that open up may just end up losing money due to the lack of customers, and the few that do are put in a greater risk of getting infected.

To open up we need to curb the spread, which in turn will also encourage people to go out, while at the same time providing security nets as the status quo a lot of people are simply not going to spend and just save.


he still goes to work. Hes barely affected

basically every expert: ‘to be able to safely reopen we need to massively scale up testing’

the Authorities: ‘what if instead we encouraged people to inject bleach’

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ok alice
good argument

muh freedom

refute that

It’s pretty much because of the idiotic contrarian zeitgeist that’s in American political culture rn.

Much of the American left were the first ones to sound the alarm regarding COVID-19, so naturally as a reaction a lot of the American right either treats this with skepticism or outright declares to be a hoax, which is why several red states are opening up despite the fact that the virus is still spreading at a rapid rate.

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it clears 99% of bacteria, its gotta be good