Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

How are you, Jane?


What class :eyes:

I do hope you get more than 6.5 hours of sleep tonight.



bio majors are stupid

I’m good.

Things could be better, but they aren’t bad.

Wait shit i cant say this anymore

Im sorry bio majors

I’m not a bio major I’m a History major

but we have a bio requirement for everyone

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I’d ask how you were doing but Arete already did that.

I know i was shitting on myself

I know youre a history nerd

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Wait, you are a Bio major.
You never told me.

I was a bio & chem doublemajor

Didnt i tell you?

Not once, I guess I never asked you about education to be honest.
Somehow I’m not surprised though.

science good


Chloe good too.

Ans best

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At being worst.


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