Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Most sites nowadays have pretty good pw protection anyway.

You can still theoretically crack them with rainbow tables but it takes a long time.

Also, if anybody is willing to spend money on a password manager that’s extremely reliable and efficient I highly recommend Ascendo Datavault.
You can sync your data across phones and PCs alike.

  • You have backup and restore options, all encrypted.
  • You can print out passwords.
  • You can import and export passwords.
  • Sync across all devices supported (I can attest that Android + Windows syncs).
  • Masking copy/paste options when copying passwords. This prevents keyloggers + anyone viewing your desktop.
  • My personal favourite; the customizable password generator.

My personal favorite is gun

Depends on which keylogger though.

LastPass good

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I’ve seen people recommend 1Password aswell.

enter code katze for 200% off

i knew my sister did something right


Also, just use HoxxVPN, nerds.

I don’t know why but

This website that seems pretty reliable opts against LassPass

I know that sounds like hoax but it works, okay?

( fyi

(And 1Password as well)

The worst issue when it comes to LastPass is the master password used to log in, as thats the weak point

Just enable 2fa lmfao

Even if there is a security breach, everything is encrypted. They might get a few of my burner emails or some shit but

ive considered swapping im just lazy :sunglasses:

i also use 2fa on basically everything i care about

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12-15 char random genned passwords + 2fa on everything important?

Think im G

thats it?

1Password has mandatory 2fa I think.

Also, for frick’s sake, DO NOT tell your passwords to anyone for no reason.

I actually started using longer random genned passwords recently

Almost everything has a 12-15 char password because i did that quite a while ago

Everything important now a shit ton of chars since i changed em

Imagine have any password less than 18 characters.

Can’t relate.

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