Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Vibe checked.

I liked your old pfp more.


Nothing can match its cuteness


Meanwhile I’m over here
Once again realizing I forgot to correct grammar errors for Triple Threat virtuous :eyes:

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I was going to yell at you today to fix the descriptions.
Thank you for reminding me: Amelia, fix descriptions.

at the very least I fixed a formatting error for SFoL 61

And also
Buffed Alchemist

Actually there’s one more thing I did
I made Chloe remember she can roll mercenary in SFoL 61

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I thought this was a burlap sack at a glance

This one or my old one

this one


Geyde you can keep yours though, it’s glorious :^)
And so it Dat’s.



Cute cat is back.

i missed it

what did it change to

oh no

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what even

I made best GI class

who gave you permission to post class ideas on the GI thread

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