Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Except wii music
That can go die in a fire

he doesnt stream on twitch when he plays melee so i guess as an extension he just doesnt stream dolphin games there

although i think he was only playing this as a meme to bowl and is now stuck here in purgatory

also the game just did this to him

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I’ve channeled his Wii to call him a nerd for me.



he has accepted his victory and is now playing golf

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Tell him I’m proud of him.

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Tell him to watch Kuroko no Basuke.

im making an executive decision to not do that

he also said you’d probably beat him in basketball

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He’s right.

Priestess, what’s your wallpost about?


i literally just DMed her asking if it was a wallpost

I noticed, when I went over all my scumgames, that I’m far from unreadable.
I’m always blatantly converting people I like, and killing people who dislike me (reason: people who dislike me have rarely reasons to not lynch me). You can literally forecast my kills before the start of the game. I tend to overly dominate in small scumteams, I love to puppet other people’s actions. As LW I try to not push anyone, and only try to signal on mechanical ways (example: faking a bleed on D1 as EK). I’m following a strict no-bussing in non-conversion games. There are also ways to tonal read me, but Vulgard and Chloe know that way better than I :upside_down_face:
Also I have some obv scumtells, like quickhammering (ALWAYS a scumtell for me, thats not in my townrange, maybe exempt of selfpressing) or using :wave: … if I feel superior or safe, thats always me as scum.

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Great minds think alike, brother katzay.

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i can probably figure it out if i do a full ISO on you tbh

but both games where i’ve incorrectly read your slot you were lynched D1 anyway

this is the best scumtell

I’ll try to read you based on your cat pictures in your next game.

i don’t think my cat pictures are AI

I’ll try anyway.

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This seems fun, I’m gonna try it.

I see there is a class card for Townaly. I expected it to be called Villagealy.
No class card for Wolf Richard.

Knightaly is superior

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oh I understand that language :upside_down_face:

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