Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

they already said that amelia isnt their name. also you right we dont know their gender :eyes:

Marshal would you believe me if I said that kat has a bigass beard

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I didn’t need that mental image. Beards are disgusting.
Except for CL-style beard.

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Amelia is a girl because their posts were written by a girl.

I would not, that’s for sure.

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Interesting interesting

Beards are great to look at

I’ll probably be designing a The Mentalist FM soon.

Or at least attempting to.

Beards are inferior, just like your tastes.

beards are mid tier
mustaches are better

Or I could do B99.

That would probably be easier.

y’all just leaving out my boy sideburns like that smh

Actually good tastes from Marshal.
What is happening.

why are these good
convince me

Check out the question i asked a few posts ago

And by a few i mean like

our contestants

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Betting on Firefox.


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Betting on Canada.

Replace steve with herobrine and you have a winner