Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

telete/aretele is a good ship but she is MIA
and i don’t remember who else you’ve met


yes, yes i am

theres a few people here i wouldnt be opposed to meeting

i think they all know who they are


“I am locktown”

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If I am one of them then that last statement is incorrect, I have no idea what people think of me.

there’s only 3 people and you’re not one of them :eyes:

which is nothing against you im just very antisocial in person and don’t really want to meet people


Hello very antisocial,

I’m also antisocial!

I wouldn’t be opposed to meeting most people here though.

And it may actually happen if we go on the NY trip we had planned that was ruined because of quarantine.

the US is very big and most of us are not particularly close to New York


the fact that i don’t want to meet arere even though i live 10 miles from where they go to school should p much tell you that i would not be comfortable meeting anyone from this forum irl

Nevermind then.

Math is hard and I can’t find my notes


but do you want to meet arete


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I’ll be your math notes.

As long as it’s not too complicated and I don’t fall asleep on my keyboard.


if sulit was anyone else i’d ship it

but i refuse to ship sulit because too young and pure :eyes:

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I think I got it now my brain is just tired


i have some morals

you are on the shipping blacklist

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Wait, how old is sulit?

why are you asking