Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Too low

We goin high


italy why are you awake

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Marshal we could ask you the same.

because i’m so bad at sleeping that i have to take pills to sleep

5am gang rise up

(except universal, you need your beauty sleep)

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Marshal go to sleeepppp

see i dislike romance because it focuses so heavily on the bullshit “love is so great” thing that they forget to make their characters have any kind of chemistry

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me, icibalus, and anstreim have a right to be here
none of the others do rn

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I love how im the only one who has an excuse to be awake rn in terms of timezones

But i also sleep the earliest


I know that when i sleep i will wake up to work and responsibilities and so am hanging on as to avoid that

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you see the problem is that you gain a resistance to them if you use them too much
but you also gain a dependency
it kind of sucks

three europeans are here


actually I’m supposed to be doing homework right now but it’s unbelievably pointless

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Okay europeans dont exist

No you need your beauty sleep. I still remember that act I signed into law of Katze getting a mandatory 8 hours sleep undisturbed

why the fuck are you awake at noon you’re supposed to never wake up

i don’t think i’ve slept a full 8 hours for the past few weeks tbh

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Europe? Oh you mean Old America

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