Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

your name is kinda memeable like this


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but he was still blatant town like seth

hippolytus loses by doing something

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only Vintage Gamers™ get this reference

Next game imma just cat pic the whole time I might have a chance that way

You can’t convince me part 3 and 5 were actually good.

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hippo when was the last time you won a game here?

I mean

I started the push on you and I cop to that

but I was voting Bananas at EoD up until the cop started blatantly softing mech info that you were scum

PKR wasn’t a GF. Luxy fakepeeked him green. Ideally Luxy should have been lynched, especially surviving that long as an outed cop claim.


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the best thing I did with ITA’s (also off-site)

> Wolf marshal
> Tunnel slightly wolfy kinda low poster
> ITA them out of nowhere
> They flip a role that just like… disables all town investigatives and protectives for a night when they are killed. In a 35p mash.
> get ITA’d 6 times, dodge all of them

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As blatant as Squid in SFoL 57?

yes I know there was a lot of context, what with the game being transplanted through space and time because the CD mods banned FM, and the chance of me reading the game thread was reduced further by the fact it was a PDF

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Last town game I won was early December, the one where I didnt do anything till d3 and got on and just funnelled Marshall and luxy who were both town. Cant remember name.

i mean he was
his faction was society
had he been peeked as society by a villager he’d still be a GF


do you mean evo mafia

that definitely isn’t evo mafia but the last one you won was evo mafia

I had previously seen them, as a PR, do literally the exact same thing they were doing, down to the exact phrasing

the problem was that what was actually going on was that they had a redcheck on someone defending Ici and pushing Bananas

and also the redchecked person was a villager


…okay, why?

who the hell still includes beloved princess style roles in 2019 when the MafiaScum wiki page explictly says not to because nobody likes them

I was mafia