Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

ngl the music is so catchy I spread it to my house

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In hindsight this wasn’t smart
The song will most definitely get stuck in my head


I am le ebic gamer

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terraria requires patience I don’t have

I don’t make it past the third night

also your using a musharang to kill a claw of cuthulu how do you end up there

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Me: You cant just use mushrooms for everything!

Amelia: haha mushroom machine go brrr

sorry I just really like this meme format for no reason

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you can use shroomite armor for all post-shroomite content in vanilla tbf

not that theres much content to speak of

shroomite boosted sniper tho

I mean
This is earlygame ancients awakened mod :eyes:

I wont pretend to know what any of this means but it sounds like a gamer moment

the day approaches

sounds omnious

what day

is it an irl day in Italy

its an irl day in Italy isn’t it

the end of the greatest journey

im going to make a list of journies that come to mind when you say that

  1. you survived the day in terraria
  2. you slept well
  3. your gonna complete something today

Also it’s time

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none of the above
but i’m intentionally being vague anyways

literally doesn’t exist
it just rerolls itself into another italy

it has a gun

so that’s a thing

oh and it can kill the French

Hence why the first passive is called “Impossible!”

we meme about it alot but the realization occurs that there isn’t a single Italy in the gi thread that doesn’t have a gun

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