Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

immortality is depressing

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i think it has been discussed before

but what do you get from immortality

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Italy if the artist is good get them to make you a fursona as well

are we going back to immortality

i will make this entire thread sad


we boutta make everyone depressed

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Immortality is glorious and you all just don’t get it.

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on second thought

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immortality is a neverending nightmare


We are all going to die

What a shame

my vote goes here

don’t see what id do with all that time

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it just gives me infinitely more time to be a disappointment

i might just be a sociopath but i definitely wouldn’t be bothered with those close to my dying of age while i just live on

That’s me too Italy

i am someone who struggles to care about anyone or anything

but if i lost my family i wouldn’t want to be alive

immortality is uh

a lot of being alive without a family

Hone yourself so much that you are as humanly close to a walking perfection as possible.
Master everything;
Explore everything;
Invest new things;
Discover space.

Your potential is limitless. You could do anything – literally anything. Become a keeper of knowledge. Become a perfect observer.

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yeah but depression

Can’t be bothered about close people dying if you don’t have any.

I mean you’d have infinite time to find a partner too

i mean

success and happiness == improvement for me
and if im immortal

that means at one point
ill run out of significant improvements to make

which is sad

think about this is a positive way like this people not “oh im a disappointment” because you’re not

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and then lose them 4head

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