Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

42, duh.

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muscles are alright

i prefer them being useful over being cool to look at

but Chloe, muscles require exercise

since we’re talking about weight

my friend has recently achieved non-underweight status

on a similar note

I achieved overweight status on the same day

i guess they go hand in hand but like
past a certain point its just for show

Because you’ve just said your ideal body is skeletal

Lean, Chloe.
I want ribs.

exercise good

i misread that and was gonna ask if you stole some of their weight

can we discuss how people can actually defeat spiderman


Kyo you don’t want to know how weird my tastes can get.
And you are better off not knowing.


he has enough body strength to stop a car (yes, without even needing webs) but people seem to have few problems matching him in unarmed combat

Bug spray.

Tell me everything

that ship has many issues

somehow I suspect your tastes are better than you give yourself credit for

ribs are so FUCKING GOOD

He said he wants ribs
And now he’s talking about tastes

I want some KFC ribs rn

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