Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

do orges have layres

I’ve went into a Doja Cat phase again oh no

have layers

are you talking about the thing i wrote

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I don’t think you ever left it Kyo.

Yes, yes I am.


what did katze write

There is a minor and major Doja Cat phase
I have entered major. Her pink hair is just too STUNNING

Is this the part where we take cover.


pink hair is nice

but she ain’t it

Excuse me what are you saying about my Doja

do you think it’s our fault that there’s so many spiders
we kill them on sight constantly and because of that they evolved so that there’d just be so many you couldn’t even kill all of them without genuinely employing the flamethrower tactic

She’ll claw you to death

katze: im gonna make a katze classcard for fun

katze classcard: IS A WALLPOST

also katze classcard: blatantly overpowered

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Nikki Minaj is a bitch

You are a nerd now.
One of us, one of us.

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put my idea

its wallpost-central

plague doctor italy

i am currently trying to make it less OP while finishing the classcard

i am altering it

damn okay

i can just take my idea and make a less-OP class with it

pop quiz
what’s the reference in plague doctor italy’s “bad reference” ability :eyes: