Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Guilty person free. 100% always.


that’s not what i said
i assumed you could understand the starter level theoretical calc-based stuff
i just said you weren’t captivated by the higher level engineering style applied physics
if you were, you’d be an engineer

I would rather put an innocent person in jail

i would be a terrible lawyer in general
the mask has an intimidating effect

I love and am captivated by music and music theory

I’m not a music major

to be fair, i was a music major for a bit


It doesn’t matter if they steal from a big supermarket or a small one

you’re equivocating between ‘can understand’ and ‘is captivated by’

different kind of matter imo

that’s not my intention so no

I wanna get into politics

Work with NSA, Foreign Affairs, Possibly run for office myself, etc etc

The victim is faced with harsher consequences if their business is small.
Multimillion dollar supermarkets aren’t going to have a massive profit dip from someone stealing food to get through the night.

Wtf why?

I’m just showing that you don’t have to Major in a subject to be captivated and in love with it

Sometimes majoring in a subject that you love makes it become a chore, and something you don’t enjoy anymore

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maybe it’s not the thing you’re most passionate about

Because I feel like our appeal system is efficient
Letting someone go and letting them repeat a crime is not efficient

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it’s different because to learn any of the content to which i refer, you have to be an actual engineering major

set the guilty person free
then shoot them and make sure nobody ever finds the body

What if that guilty person is like, a shoplifter

You can’t take many music theory classes without being a music major

Same with music performance