Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

so all cases of breaking law is equally immoral?

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But noone here is evil BUT the shoplifter :eyes:

don’t have tmod anymore
but i still have this absolute chad of a character

Well thank god I’m from the country of freedom

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im just overloading my game with mods lmfao

still gunna play journeys end

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evil is subjective

Evil is whoever tries to harm the society :upside_down_face:

Can I join?

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But the shoplifter who steals from a family-run store whose father and mother are struggling to get by does more evil than a shoplifer who steals from a multimillion chain market whose CEO is swimming and cash and they probably have a very good loss prevention program.

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We are lead by this

Who could not say that is the definition of freedom with a haircut like that

kyo how would you like it if you were taken into prison for 8 months because someone suspected you of a stabbing that you didn’t do.

You would fall behind in school, seperated from friends and family, and likely develop severe mental issues

I think the problem is that N.1 has decided that any form of knowledge outside of very specific types of applied physics is Invalid and Doesn’t Count as knowing things, and that therefore it’s probably easy

(the thing that’s not totally lining up here is his perspective on math? like, he seems to at least sometimes recognize math as legitimate, but that’s not consistent with some of the other things he says about it)

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Mega Modlist



8 months? I’d just sue the prison system and get my money’s worth
Also appeal systems over here aren’t 5 years, it’s 3 months


come on in

check the modlist above

not even calamity or thorium smh

If you steal the last bread from a beggar its also disgusting and can be punished harder.
But the size of a supermarket shouldn’t matter at all.
It’s not making it less bad.

If it’s a newly started family business market that’s been stolen from than bloody walmart
It’s big of a difference

… wdym school? Are you tossing kids into jail for real?

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