Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I remembered it.

I just didn’t care.

i forgot about the cookie

good job

Now the only issue is, where can I talk trashtalk about anime :thinking:

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anime bad

So if you’re a wolf, you’re asking the thread to let you bus me?

most ppl here dont talk a lot irl and thats mostly the reason they are here


if you want to make fun iof anime you can always call on me and kat

Anime bad 4head


whats the next number

IKR, there’s literally nothing worthwhile released recently.

I’ve been talking in English so much I forget how to use words in Polish.


/accuse Vulgard
Arete is locktown, I have a n0 greencheck on them. Get this scum out of here.


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Vul: makes an actually personal post about himself

everyone including me: haha cookie printer go brrrr


Real talk…
rand me wolf please i want to get better please

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Eh, it’s more fun to trash with someone who watches them.

rand me as neutral so i actually have a reason to cause chaos and constantly mess with the thread