Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

And I totally get it. I just hope you’ll find a haven eventually.
And if not a haven, then something else that makes you feel complete.


he’s self-resolving

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we’re keeping ans this time

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we have a secret weapon on our side meow


Many things do, but my personality has to be one of them.

The thing that’s worth remembering is, is that often online you != offline you.

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“i’m self resolving everyone dw i’ll confirm myself right now”

originally that was true

but over time the 2 have melded together

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Thanks Vulgod.
Also, I think that you are doing rather well socially but this might just be my impression from your behavior on the internet. You are a pretty smart and cool guy. I hope you find some people to open up to some day as well.


God fucking dammit
While you guys were arguing ethics I was figuring out how to do integration by parts


italy: makes a class about himself that can just suicide
katze: makes a class about themselves that is a wallpost

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Would you do the same things, say the same things in an irl scenario, like you would online?
Are you open about your hobbies with the people around you or are you hiding them in the closet.

ability that literally just kills you

imagine hiding in a closet :^)


i feel like the only significant differences between offline chloe and online chloe are:
A. I can’t use facial expressions & motions to express myself
B. I’m much better at communicating with my voice, and most people prefer text
C. People think im Riza Hawkeye

but my online and irl personalities are… pretty much the same

with apologies for the terrible pun

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weeeebs out

For example, my parents have no idea about my hobbies. /shrug

Arete help me, I’m stuck in my closet but at this point I have no reason to come out, and I’m starting to actually like it :^)


im open about my hobbies

my friends know about FM, and they just are like “wow marshal you spend way too much time on that website”