Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


Also do tell me if you want to finish timewalking later. Queues are fast with you purely because you are healer.
Oh and the offer to run you though Normal/HC still stands.

They had no idea about the routes they were taking
Tank dragged him halfway across the map

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takes tank

I mean, when we queued together we got thrown into two groups less than two minutes after we signed up.

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ans when are you gonna carry me


My back would snap if I tried to carry you.
So never :^)

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thats more of a you problem than a me problem

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Also Amelia, if anything I’m the Devout Archdeacon.
Ergo, I’m conversion immune :^)

When I just finished a raid and I was loading out of it I got a queue during the loading screen

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Yeah but you also have a 40% chance of being evil

/Tainted Blood

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But Amelia, socially I’m town Cult :^)

You included the neutral that is basically an improved Strigoi, right? I really hope it spawns because the meme potential is immense.

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define improved

It is a lot less boring and the win condition actually requires you to do things. Not to mention that there’s a hefty risk for the… participants. Although I suppose I could also call them victims.


teemo prince teemo prince

listen i’m just saying if the prince in a cult themed setup isn’t teemo
you’re doing something wrong

Oneiromancer is showing up in SFoL 64 not SFoL 61 :^)

is the prince teemo

No he’s not

The castle was too dangerous

After all the killers are psychopaths