Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

id put a saddle on you

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this is where i make a non pg-13 joke

Kat hes fucking

its for his halloween costume relax

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I can think of a few.
It’s kinda hard to keep acting but it’s better than the alternative.

Well I appreciate your existence <3

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you’ll never know my true age but seriously
if you’re going to guess my age then at least try to make a reasonable guess

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Okay youre like 16 tbh

Jgoes at least I can truthfully say that I’m glad I got to meet you.


do you need a hug

if i was 12 i couldn’t even be on the discord smh

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But my mom gave me permission to sign up

rename the cookie thread to the hug thread

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did you know that server owners are held responsible
if it’s believed that a server owner is aware that someone is too young to be using discord and didn’t take action then they can also be punished for it

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Stop posting and go to sleep already.

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:eyes: done

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