Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

oh thats terrible wtf

i have cat ears

italy cannot beat meow

Okay kill italy, neuts out

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I’m a sophomore in university

rip you then :^)

(more seriously, this will presumably affect how they curve the scores such that it balances out unless you’re very asymmetric relative to how asymmetric other people are?)

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nobody tell them :eyes:

Kill the catgirl.


boy do i got the news for you
they don’t have a curve
It’s just like

You got all questions right? You get a 5!
You got some wrong? You get a 4!
You didn’t turn it in time? You get a 0!

Well I also have an AP CS exam on Friday

It’s literally just an FRQ

Fun times

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I have ap gov tomorrow

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I have

nothing tomorrow, NERDS

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By the way it is an FRQ on how knights exist

Yes I took a class known as Cold Steel


…they definitely curved it in my year…

like ‘get all questions right’ is kind of obviously unreasonable, I think it is very unlikely that I got remotely close to that

today in People I Thought Were Older Than They Are we have ‘apparently Amelia is in high school’

how old do you think i am arete

0 years old

you are either 15 or older than 35

How about I take a guess and you tell me if I’m really far off, far, close or really close?

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on the dot

as much as I hate it

italy is probably 19

im going with 17

fuck but sometimes he seems older