Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Is that the extent of your hopes?

That’s exactly why it feels so dirty.
I am shamelessly abusing the positive relationship from others to me, to make them townread me.
… which is really unhealthy for your mind ^^

Random chloe thought, but
Whatever game i play next, imma work on not being pocketed hella easily
Im so easily manipulated when people are nice to me

Y’all aint gunna :b:ocket me no mo’

fake artist has made me realize how easy it is to do this

As for me. I’m a little sad I haven’t started as wolf yet.

You do realize that I will hold you up to this, do you not?

Just hate everyone 4head

You better

That doesn’t sound like good advice. I love everyone instead.

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Also it might be just my outsider’s perspective, but I think the most effective pocketing doesn’t come from being ‘nice’, but from something a bit different.
No reason to reveal it just yet though, because I might be right and this might be a good strategy.

Is pocketing a real thing?
I never pocket on purpose, I just like someone and don’t want to see them hurt by getting lynched… which is why I’m a professional white knight :wink:

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Every time I’m in a game with Vulgard. If you’re going to be a starting wolf. I hope I’m one myself.

Trying to imagine Priestess in knight armor.

I was being very broad and vague with “nice”

But it gets my point across

I do realize a few weaknesses i have that make it easy to manipulate my thoughts

If I rand groupscum with someone, bus me day 1 for sweet towncred.

I have pics, but I won’t share, sorry :joy:

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Realizing them is a first step to eliminating them, so there’s that.
Which reminds me that I should take time and work on my scumtells in ToL some day.
But not like it matters in public lobbies, to be honest.

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My scumtell is being forced as heck.

But how will you become deepwolf god Vulgard if you get bussed D1.

If I stop being forced, I could deepwolf. :thinking:

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I’m gonna try a different method of reading again.