Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

They’re delicious, you should buy one.


Gonna write big post in 10 min explaining stuff about forum

a wallpost?

how locktown can one person get

powerful light cures covid-19
there’s not a single case on alderaan


12 mins later


people: “Hey can someone review my game”
reviewers: …
Small_tank: “MishMash lmao”
eevee: Yeah sure


Some reviewers work down the list, some review games from friends

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im just waiting patiently
4th in line

/vote 2

2 claim


post logs

ok 2 claimed

/vote 3

claim claim claim

3 claim

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well i received a game with like 70 roles imma be a bit

3 is an obvious fool who waits until he’s upped, then claims Princess with flirt on 2.
Gets executed anyway.

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it’s almost like having a class that punishes people for correctly scumreading nontown causes problems

admittedly the main problems are mostly downstream of ‘people are reluctant to execute obvious nontown’

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i decided to say “nah im not gonna claim” my first game

got lynched immediately

what were you

butler lmao

im pretty sure that is an eevee alt

:thinking: :thinking: