Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Travelling is walking with the ball, like this:

Double dribble is either dribbling, then holding the ball and dribbling again or dribbling with two hands.

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In fact We are in the same room

Oh he brought out the primary sources

Also i did not know the difference

Thank you, basketball god

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Okay I sleep bye

Go to sleep nerds


how do I throw spheres and have them go where I want them to


I hope you are enjoying my dusty closet because that’s the only place where one could theoretically hide.


you are already asleep

I am already asleep.


That’s the proper technique for shooting a basketball.

There are of course other ways to shoot but they require way more practice.

As for how to get the sphere to go where you want it to go… practice makes perfect.

Shoot it, then adjust where you are aiming based on the result.

Good night lovely people <3

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So I’m in an online class right now.

I think I can get used to these.

They’re pretty boring but it’s easy to do other things during them.

I’m supposed to be in another one right now but either we can’t find it or it’s behind schedule.
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Nevermind, it has started.

guys you cant give the person a hug, we’re in quarantine

4321st poster gets a cat pic

Virtual hug



I wonder how many alts eevee has here in total

considering that i am in fact deleter’s alt, idk