Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i experienced that to a lesser extent at MB camp in ga last august
Gotta be diligent with sunscreen lol


gimme ur rings

californians need to learn the art of cowboy hats

wear em outside

block a good amount of sun

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get it away

every time i go to oklahoma that’s like

the only eating-place

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speaking of camp

during orchestra camp

which was in the Coastal Ranges in California

mosquitos were everywhere

and I happen to be nice and juicy and sweaty for the mosquitos

long story short I couldn’t play for a day because my arm got so swollen to the point where it wouldn’t bend

…is it weird that I don’t consistently sleep in the same position?

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sleeping on whatever side feels comfortable in that specific night gang rise up

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I don’t get sunburnt or bugbit during camp

but I have genetically inferior knees so by day 10 i walk funny

I do too

are you sure it’s not because of some other reason

Hook 'Em

I think you’d have had fun carrying a 15-pound cello case uphill and down hill for half a mile 3 times a day

You know what is weird?
The fact that you aren’t sleeping right now. Shoo.

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what is this implying

are you calling me gay

because that’s what most people have to say

isn’t it like
11PM for aroot

nearly 1 actually


still not like… late

12:46 AM

I’m in the Midwest, not the West Coast

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i’ve been rationing my meds
so i’ve been doing all-nighters every other day for at least the past 2 weeks lol