Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

We have Nong Shim noodles downstairs right now
We bought them today

im good just adding my own red chili powder lol

let’s say you put rice in the soup of your instant noodles

after you have eaten all the noodles

from a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the least
how weird is that

Okay you need to stop there

that’s like putting cereal in milk after you’ve already had 1 bowl

understandable if you are limited on resources(like milk)

but in this case

I don’t rlly get it

unless the flavor adds something?

I’d need to try the noodles in question

These ones are very good

Samyang double spicy noodles and a soft boiled egg :ok_hand:

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looks like this

and this is when it’s cooked, minus all the fancy toppings:

it’s good

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We buy boxes of them
I’m not even kidding
We must have a good 30 of the packets

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Samyang good

I usually just call it the fat chicken noodles lmfao



I’ve never had Samyang noodles
Only Nongshim

are the ones you have spicy for you

and if they are

do not try that shit


for me it’s fine
it appears chloe is taking it fine too
those will rain hell on your assholes

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I didn’t even know they were supposed to be spicy

(no they are not spicy for me, I should try them sometime)

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there’s two reasons why someone would eat the double spicy one

  1. they’re completely immune to spice
  2. they like torturing themselves

I’m #2


I live close to a big asian supermarket - its fun to try out new noodles every once in a while

Spicy korean noodles are hella good


I prefer sour over spice
I take the rind off of a lemon and eat it raw
But spicy is fine as well