Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Oh cool i just got an email from the Dean’s Office

Fall courses are going to be completely online, with very few exceptions - and many classes not being offered

Great time for me to switch majors
Fun fun
90% of my classes arent being offered this fall


Kyo you should’ve been in bed like 5 hours ago.
Good night.

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I know, that’s what I’m saying.

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I’m sorry Chloe. Do they not offer it anywhere?

imagine getting to choose courses
this post was made by still in high school gang

Why is this a thing
Summer sure
Why fall too
At this time

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Not what’s needed for my program

Guess i’ll just take some fun courses this Fall. We can’t take any Lab classes so everyone in my major is kinda fucko’d rn

Thats alright
Imma take some basic CS classes cuz that seems cool to learn


CS is hella broad. I mean web development

I mean
They’ll make accomodations

I don’t know what the graduation requirements at your uni are like but if you have a bunch of distribution requirements in, like, literature or math or whatever, it might help to take a bunch of those this fall

obviously this is going to make any sort of prerequisite chains tricky, but


There are going to be a few virtual lab courses. But thats for classes with lots of students enrolled - and ive already taken them

Also its the kinda shit you have to learn hands-on. Without learning it in person theres really no point

Even if they did offer Anatomy and Physiology online, I wouldn’t take it as I wouldn’t be learning nearly as much as I would in-person

Yeah im doing a few final gen ed requirements this summer, and i guess this fall too



they’d probably make changes to requirements and what not right

I totally know how universities work

good night people
most of you should be sleeping smh


if we’re still online in the fall I’m seriously considering taking a leave of absence for the quarter (I’m told this isn’t a thing outside the US? basically it would be, like, taking a quarter off but being able to come back afterwards)

it feels like a cop out but it’s not like I’m really learning anything in online courses


Arete im actually considering that at this very moment
I might cop out with you

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i wonder if this is the case across the entirety of UC, USC, and cal poly slo

is your requirement a history requirement, or a US history requirement?

and if it’s the former then why are you taking US history when you could study something interesting