Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Only problem with our citizens I can see is that we rely heavily on our government (free education (SQA), free healthcare (NHS)) that if everything was to go haywire with the government we’d be in a really bad situation
I think our government is as powerful as it can get without becoming a dictatorship

Nah, I do think you have a net positive effect on the site as a whole.
For example, MEMES.

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I did bless this place with :joy_cat: JOYCAT SPAM :joy_cat:

which is one of our site’s most popular memes


Kaiji is that you

I think that system is what America should have

We’re getting into politics here but I think free healthcare is really important

and a lot of people are in a bad situation because they can’t afford health care anyways

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I have no clue who this is, but yes

also @Vulgard fwiw America does have many many benefits as well, it’s not all doom and gloom by a long shot

Probably worth a visit sometime

On that note I still need to hit up western Europe at some point

Travel is great, really helps you see what others’ lives are like

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I was actually going to visit this year, but COVID.

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Amsterdam is supposed to be a really nice place to visit.

Hopefully I can do it next year. The plan was to visit both coasts and stay for 2 weeks total.


I like america

I think the government and related and other major things can be undesireable

but day-to-day life is good for most and hopefully can be improved for others

the part in the middle has some decent places too

I think you should go north south east west

so east coast, west coast, minnesota or chicago depending on where arete is, and texas :^)

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There’s only so much I could cram into two weeks.
Since it’s not happening anyway, might as well revise my planned journey?

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I would definitely want to meet as many people I met online as possible. I’m not afraid of human interaction, I promise. :upside_down_face:

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I probably wouldn’t be able to actually meet anyone IRL because I don’t think my parents would be approving of me saying

“hey, i’m gonna go meet this internet stranger from a video game forum”

but if I have my liscense and someone is nearby I wouldn’t pass up on the chance

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Like Michigan

tbh coasts overrated

sounds fun

@Arete odds he’s a serial killer?


hides knife

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Neither of the other people from the forum I’ve met IRL were serial killers

What are the odds that he’s the exception