Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

You even picked a proper catgirl class card.

How do you know Marshal is a neut

I told you to ignore his flip

that’s angleshooting

modkill him

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and i’m weaponizing the mod

modkill me

He claimed it right here

Nice RT Dat, nice RT

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Now that your pfp is blue I feel like I’m going to mistake you for Arete half of the time.

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lol , i might change then

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DatBird has been modkilled

He was:


Blue Dragon Social

Wallpost = Lockscum (Passive) - You will be converted to a random scum faction if you make a wallpost.

Standard Blue Dragon Wincon.

Marshal has been modkilled again

You may now discuss his earlier flip

94 posts left

No no, not like it’s an issue or something.
I just find it interesting. Your pfp is pretty good.

unmodkill me or ill modkill myself

I need this passive, except it should convert into the Cult :^)

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what if I change mine :^)

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my wallposts werent even that bad
they were horrendous


isn’t this ability gamethrowing because becoming scum of your own free will is a violation of your wincondition

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I need to read your posts to personally judge how bad they are.
Which I’m sure they aren’t.

Italy is its own classtype now by the way
proven by the grand idea thread
