Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


tfw your inside the place and the gps is still giving directions

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there’s one really loud part so headphone warning i guess

oh yeah there was a cookie

oh well

oh great

Now i get to remember local58 and have nightmares


I r very smart in uploading images

your destination is in 250 feet

your destination is in 50 feet

local58 actually released new videos

tfw you find geyde’s reflection in his dog’s eyes

it’s kinda small but if you zoom in you can get that ez face reveal
Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 10.47.09 PM

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gedye is hella fuckin cute :flushed:

Absolutely destroyed

Combustion imminent
Also Arete destroy this

local58 has new videos now

Protect my face

yeah ik I saw the nexpo vid on it because N and I talked about this earlier

By destroying it of course

boom bye scum

damn marshal just made geyde delete a dog

wait did he really delete it


it was just a rickroll