Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Hope its better than your description here
“Arete sucks at reads” is terrible incorrect


how much time you willing to invest

bout an hour every day
can’t have alt discussions without this

Before alting, you need to discuss it with your alt first 4head

okay cool, make a machine that knows every interaction between any molecule there ever is so you can predict the future

Talk about your favorite games u participated in, idk

only eat.
no make

Isn’t that like, impossible?

I came up with this idea myself a few years ago and googled it an I’m pretty sure some principle made that impossible.

its a good start

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the joke

I never really got why it didn’t work though.

Brag about your fastest marathon? idk

Brag about your earliest death in an FM game.

Be me and brag about your 0% MU winrate

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1 ping

lemme go off of the tab and do it again

Does anyone know how to remove teeny-tiny splinters from one’s hand?

arent you supposed to put your hand in hot water

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but I’ve won on MU