Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Mind is plotting against me

Set alarm for 9-wake up at 8

Set alarm for 8-wake up at 7

Do I dare set for 7?

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Meanwhile I wake up at 7 go back to sleep wake up at 8 go back to sleep wake up at 9 drag myself out of bed

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i did a thing


tower of god is actually good smh


Even sao is better

you haven’t even seen tower of god

I know, it’s great.

have you read it

I have watched few episodes

there’s actually three seasons already

There isn’t it’s new anime

I stopped around halfway through season 2, will continue in summer vacation.

It’s adapted from a Webtoon.

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webtoon isn’t even finished yet

Well obv I am talking about anime

i’m on season 3 and i can tell you

tower of god is good

am i the only one who likes to make a civilization in minecraft

just me?

I do too but I always abandon the project halfway through

Haha can’t relate at all.