Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Anstreim Cult
Anstreim Cult


the class is just

horribly worded

Amelia no.
You have too many games to host and to work on already. Also, please remember to either post the class cards from that Cult majority game somewhere if you aren’t going to work on them anymore.
Or just give them to me.

Also make one of the alternate Unseen leaders the Moon Spirit

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Multiple different leaders could be cult’s gimmick instead of current one
And it would solve some of its problems

Wait until after next FoL to make anything solid

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I never said I’d do it

I haven’t read it
Therefore it doesn’t exist

Can we eradicate all mentions of this heresy and forget it forever?

Yes but you probably thought about it. I know you.
But please, do consider that second part.

Basic ideas:

  1. Current Cult
  2. Cult with more consistent kills but has limit on how many abilities faction can perform at once
  3. Intermediate between the prior two that allows for cult alts type effects

I will die before I do that


/Stabbity Stab Geyde

It doesn’t exist ergo didn’t happen

/Chains of Corax Amelia > Amelia

/be the lying darkness

It’s a crescent moon, therefore I’m occ immune :sunglasses:

That game didn’t happen


what game

This is not science